Ballonskoven Interactive light installation


Interactive light installation during the Copenhagen Light Festival 2018 in Havneparken / Islands Brygge, from February 2nd to February 17th.
Work in collaboration with Delphine Piault.

The art installation consisted 200 light balloons grouped by 25 modules of 8 LEDs balloons wired to an arduino and 4 ultrasonic sensors.
The balloons were reacting to the visitors passing by blinking according to the proximity.

When no visitors were detected, the balloons were sequentially fading in and out.

The installation was a great success and got a very good feedback, with 300 people / day visiting the exhibition on average.
We were also pleased to have media coverage on Islands Brygge local newspaper as well as TV2 Lorry.

The TV2 Lorry video:

What: Interactive light installation
Who: Frédéric Dilé & Delphine Piault
When: February 2018
Where: Copenhagen Light Festival, Copenhagen
Work: Concept, Light design, electronics & programming
Arduino Uno, HC-SR04 Ultrasonic distance sensors

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